10 signs your body is telling you that you are stressed

Are you aware that you are definitely under stress once a week? Can you say about yourself that you live in constant stress?

I think we all know what stress is. We are worried about work, loans, relationships, and constant introspection. Everyone relieves stress in their own way - you watch TV, play sports, or relax with a glass of wine.

Once at work, my mother had a coughing fit, which did not go away for a long time and led to shortness of breath. After a medical examination, the doctor said that it was all due to stress.

And indeed, mental stress, discomfort, and stress at work drove her into a stressful state. A coughing fit is the body's reaction to negative emotions and an overloaded brain.

The body and brain are interconnected, there is a two-way connection between them. When you change your body, your mind also changes. And vice versa, when working with consciousness, you can change your body.

As soon as you begin to observe your body, fulfill its desires, and provide it with healthy sleep and food, it begins to send signals of happiness to the brain, and your health and overall well-being improve.

1- Pressure on the neck and back

Stress causes muscle tension. Prolonged muscle tension can cause the formation of lactic acid in the muscles, and then pain.

As soon as you feel tension in your neck and back, go for a massage. Massage will not only relieve pain but also relax your muscles and mind, which will help relieve stress.

2- Skin problems

Psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions can be triggered by stress. Back in my student days, I consistently had rashes on my chin and forehead during sessions.

As soon as the session ended and I allowed myself to relax and switched my thoughts to activities that were pleasant for me, the situation with the skin immediately changed.

3- Weight change

Stressful situations increase the production of cortisol. It is a hormone that stabilizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism and regulates blood sugar levels. However, if you have too much of it, you will feel hungry and eat more, and your body will produce less testosterone. Which leads to weight gain.

And an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood can lead to weight loss, since adrenaline speeds up the metabolism.

4- Frequent colds

Stress makes us more susceptible to colds. If you get sick, don't immediately blame the weather. Your illness may be caused by stress. Clear your mind and listen to your body, to yourself. Your attention should be yours alone.

5- Stomach problems

It has been scientifically proven that stress can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract. Frequent abdominal pain may, for example, be the first symptom of burnout.

There is also a theory that chronic stress causes the digestive system to age and become more sensitive.

6- Lack of attention

People who suffer from prolonged stress often find it difficult to focus on the tasks they need to do. This is due to stress fatigue.

If you notice that focusing is more difficult than usual, this may be a signal to slow down and take a break.

7- Hair loss

Scientists have shown that stress can cause partial or even complete baldness.

If you notice that your hair has thinned recently, stress may be the cause.

8- Headaches

There can be many causes for headaches, including visual disturbances, poor sleep quality, too low or too high blood pressure, sinusitis, neck strain, pregnancy, and many others.

Some headaches are also caused by stress, which can accompany you both at work and at home.

Painkillers can, of course, relieve headaches, but if you don't properly diagnose the reason why it all happens, the pain can quickly return.

9-. Weak sex drive

People who often struggle with stress burn out emotionally, and as a result, they tend to weaken their sex drive.

Therefore, if you have not made love with your loved one for a long time, it may be stressful. Discuss this with your partner, as their pressure can only aggravate the situation.

10- Insomnia

Stress can also cause serious sleep problems. Due to stress, the nervous system is in constant tension and anxiety, and you cannot relax.

However, poor sleep quality can impair your work efficiency and reduce your enjoyment of life.

If you can't sleep, it's important to find out the cause of your insomnia and fix it as soon as possible!

It is important to take good care of your body during times of stress. Understand his needs, love him, and listen, then it will influence your awareness and perception of the world around you.

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